IMPORTANT: PerfectPower is an extremely accurate power and performance measurement tool, but like all measurement material, it needs to be correctly configured and used to deliver its results with an optimal accuracy, and it is therefore essential to read this guide (or at least the quick guide) before any first use, thank you for your understanding.
0) Quick guide (15 mins with videos)
I) Configuring the application (Setup)
B) Option: Calculation of the gear ratios
IV) Measurement of power and performances
Annex) The measure report / Warnings Codes
1) Reading the results (sheet, graph)
2) Re-calculation of results on parameters (power)
3) Correction of results on max speed (power & accelerations) (mode 1)
4) Correction of results on road slope (power) (mode 2)
5) Compare and/or average results from a same car
6) Compare results from different cars
7) Export power results (sheet, graph) by email
Annex 1) First opening of the application
Annex 2) Using an external GPS
2) Using an external GPS via Bluetooth
0) Quick guide (15 mins with videos)
Using PerfectPower properly comes down to following a four-point typical approach:
1) Properly configure the application (chapter I)
2) Properly configure the Car sheet (chapter II)
3) Properly mount the phone in the car (chapter III)
4) Properly measure, using the flattest and smoothest possible measurement road, and averaging TWO measurements performed in BOTH directions of the road (chapter IV)
And that's ALL! Of course, you need to know and understand the content of each of these points, and you have two ways to do it:
- The (a little) long method: Read each of the four dedicated chapters given in link above!
- The short (and fun) method: Watch the tutorial and the demonstration videos in Videos section!
That being said, you need also to take note of the following two points:
- Usage recommendations when opening the application for the first time (annex 1)
- The possibility offered to you of using an external GPS (RaceBox Mini, SkyPro XGPS 160, ...), and their instructions for use (annex 2)
And finally, you need also to take note of the basic structure of the application defined by a schema of five basic screens, then the different functions related to the measurements (Performances Simulator, Lap Timer, and of course results management!), and all this is presented to you below!
Definition of the five basic screens
PerfectPower has five basic screens, which you can access from the home screen via the menu bar located in the middle of the screen, which has five icons. These screens are, from left to right:
1) Perfs Screen = Home Screen: You're already there! Symbolized by the Perfs icon (the 1st, on the left)
2) Track screen: Accessible by pressing the Track icon (the 2nd, in the middle-left)
3) Setup screen: Accessible by pressing the Setup icon (the 3rd, in the middle)
4) Cars screen: Accessible by pressing the Cars icon (the 4th, in the middle-right)
5) Results screen: Accessible by pressing the Results icon (the 5th, on the right)
Functions related to the measurements
Once your measurements performed, you can use three functions related to these ones:
- The Performances Simulator (chapter V)
- The Lap Timer (chapter VI)
- The results management (chapter VII)
To know how to use these functions, you just have to read the dedicated chapters given in link above!
Synthesis of the quick guide
You see, in no more than 15 mins of reading (including watching all the videos), you already have an excellent overview of how to proceed to perform excellent measurements with PerfectPower!
Of course, you will still have to take the time to read each of the seven chapters of this guide and to already perform a few measurements to reach a complete mastery of the application, but you will succeed, and thanks to you and your satisfaction PerfectPower will become the only reference tool in the field of power and performances measurements in the whole world and in the heart of all true enthusiasts, and the more you browse the PerfectPower website, the more you will be convinced!
I) Configuring the application (Setup)
Configuring the application is done in the Setup screen (accessible by pressing the Setup icon -the 3rd, in the middle-).
You must perform all the desired settings (depending on the type of measurement) from top to bottom, i.e.:
- the choice of units / colors (all types of measurement)
- the choice of measurement mode (all types of measurement)
- the choice of power parameters (correction norm, weather conditions, losses calculation mode)
- the choice of performances simulation parameters (shift time)
- the choice of accelerations parameters (end speed, type of measurement stop)
- the choice of runs flying start parameters (gear engaged, start and end speed)
- the choice of braking parameters (start speed)
- the choice of rev calibration parameters (calibration rev)
- the choice of losses measurement parameters (start speed, measurement duration)
All the necessary explanations are already given in the application, you just have to follow them. If these are sufficient for you, you can move on to chapter II. Otherwise, details are given to you below.
0) Global
A) Units / Colors
Press Units/Colors. A list of nine physical quantities is displayed, for each of them you must choose its unit (metric or imperial in general), by selecting the desired unit. Below these nine physical quantities, three buttons are available to you to choose the color of the background (black or white) and the power & torque and acceleration & speed curves (white / red / green / blue) of the power and accelerations graphs. Press these buttons until the desired color is selected. Once all units/colors have been chosen, return to the Setup screen by pressing the BACK button.
B) Measurement mode (sensors)
Press Measurement mode, then choose your measurement mode from the two available (mode 1 = Accelerometer + GPS and mode 2 = GPS only). Indications are displayed on the screen to help you in your choice. Once the measurement mode has been chosen, return to the Setup screen by pressing the BACK button.
Note: You must not only have a RaceBox Mini to be able to use mode 2 (GPS only), but it must also be connected to PerfectPower to be able to select mode 2, otherwise this selection will be refused, thank you for your understanding! Instructions for connecting your RaceBox Mini to PerfectPower can be found in Annex 2-1 (Using the RaceBox Mini).
IMPORTANT 1: The reference mode is mode 1 (Accelerometer + GPS), and it is also not only the default mode but also the only one usable with your phone alone (having an accelerometer and a GPS): indeed and as said just before, you must have a RaceBox Mini to be able to use mode 2 (GPS only), because it is the only all-public external GPS with an accuracy (0.3 m average horizontal accuracy) and a frequency (25 Hz) sufficient to offer results having an accuracy at the level of the very high PerfectPower standards (defined HERE) and those obtained in mode 1... thank you for your understanding!
The only interest of mode 2 (GPS only) is to simplify the measurement procedure by allowing:
- the performance of power measurements on a rolling start
- the removal of the accelerometer calibration phase while driving for braking measurements
- the complete release of the phone from any mounting requirements
IMPORTANT 2: In reality, of the seven types of measurements that can be performed with PerfectPower (power, accelerations, runs flying start, braking, speed, rev calibration, and losses measurement), only three are impacted by the choice of measurement mode: power, accelerations, and braking. Indeed, the other four are natively performed with only GPS (whether it is the phone's internal GPS or an external GPS), and therefore naturally work in mode 2 regardless of the measurement mode chosen.
To help you see things clearly, here is a summary scheme:
Mode 1 (Accelerometer + GPS)
1) Power: Accelerometer + GPS
2) Accelerations: Accelerometer + GPS
3) Runs flying start: GPS
4) Braking: Accelerometer + GPS
5) Speed: GPS
6) Rev calibration: GPS
7) Losses measurement: GPS
GPS source: internal or external (if detected by PerfectPower)
Mode 2 (GPS only)
1) Power: GPS
2) Accelerations: GPS
3) Runs flying start: GPS
4) Braking: GPS
5) Speed: GPS
6) Rev calibration: GPS
7) Losses measurement: GPS
GPS source: external AND only RaceBox Mini
IMPORTANT 3: Here are very exactly the accuracy levels that you will obtain for the four main measurements (Power, Accelerations, Runs flying start, Braking) in each of the three possible mode / hardware configurations (Mode 1 & Internal GPS, Mode 1 & External GPS, Mode 2 & External GPS (RaceBox Mini)):
Mode 1 (Accelerometer + GPS) & Internal GPS = BEST PRICE / ACCURACY RATIO !
Equipment required: Your ONLY phone
Hardware performance: Accelerometer 100 Hz + GPS 1 Hz
Measurement accuracy (theoretical AND verified in practice!):
1) Power: +- 1% (combination Accelerometer + GPS)
2) Accelerations: +- 0.5% (combination Accelerometer + GPS)
3) Runs flying start: Pessimistic of 3% +- 2% (GPS only) on measurements of 40 km/h amplitude
4) Braking: +- 0.5% (combination Accelerometer + GPS)
Mode 1 (Accelerometer + GPS) & External GPS = THE MOST EFFICIENT !
Equipment required: Your phone and an external GPS of 10 Hz minimum
Hardware performance: Accelerometer 100 Hz + GPS 10 Hz minimum
Measurement accuracy (theoretical AND verified in practice!):
1) Power: +- 0.5% (combination Accelerometer + GPS)
2) Accelerations: +- 0.25% (combination Accelerometer + GPS)
3) Runs flying start: +- 1% (GPS only) on measurements of 40 km/h amplitude
4) Braking: +- 0.25% (combination Accelerometer + GPS)
Mode 2 (GPS only) & External GPS (RaceBox Mini) = THE MOST CONVENIENT !
Equipment required: Your phone and a RaceBox Mini
Hardware performance: GPS 25 Hz
Measurement accuracy (theoretical AND verified in practice on a clear road and in good weather!)
1) Power: +- 0.5% (GPS only)
2) Accelerations: +- 0.25% (GPS only)
3) Runs flying start: +- 0.3% (GPS only) on measurements of 40 km/h mplitude
4) Braking: +- 0.25% (GPS only)
Note: You can find a perfect illustration of all these accuracy values in a series of 7 measurement reports for educational purposes available in Results section, these are the 7 measurement reports of the Peugeot 307 1.6 16V from the PerfectPower Lab.
1) Power
A) Correction norm
Press Correction norm, then choose your correction norm from the five offered (although you can choose not to use one). Indications are displayed on the screen to help you in your choice. Once the correction norm has been chosen, return to the Setup screen by pressing the BACK button.
Note 1: The three major roles of the correction norm are:
- Define a reference weather standard
- "Bring back" the power and torque results measured for a given engine to those that this engine would deliver in this reference weather standard using a correction formula
- Allow equalization of measurement results whatever the weather conditions (and therefore also the location) at the time of measurements!
Note 2: NEVER neglect the influence of weather conditions -and therefore the importance of the correction norm- on the results! This is a typical mistake among beginners or non-specialist amateurs. Conversely, you will NEVER see a professional or a specialist amateur make this mistake!
Note 3: Of course, the efficiency of this correction norm can not be perfect, especially if you make your measurements in extreme climatic conditions, especially since (paradoxically... apparently!) your car is recent, because the ECUs more and more modify the engine performances according to the weather conditions, which no standardized correction formula can anticipate! The best way to limit this phenomenon is obviously to make your measurements in weather conditions relatively close to those of the standard used, and the designers of the standards themselves guarantee a good efficiency of their standard in a temperature range of +- 10 degrees C & 18 degrees F around the reference temperature.
Note 4: It is therefore strongly recommended to choose one for the most reliable results possible, and PerfectPower recommends the DIN norm which has proven its astonishing efficiency both during two serious scientific studies (California and Brazil) and over years and thousands of measurements from the PerfectPower Lab!
B) Weather conditions
Press Weather conditions, then enter the current weather conditions of your measurement location in the 3 dedicated weather fields: Pressure, Temperature, and Humidity. Once the weather conditions have been entered, return to the Setup screen by pressing the BACK button.
Note 1: Entering the weather conditions is ESSENTIAL: indeed, these ones are not only necessary for the correction of the engine results made by the correction norm configured just before, but they are also necessary for the dynamic calculation of the air resistance during measurements!
Note 2: PerfectPower provides you with valuable assistance (function of manual recovery of weather data) by providing you with a link to The Weather Channel website which will provide you with weather data for where you are currently by geolocation: you just need to click on the Weather Data button located just below the 3 weather fields, read these 3 weather data (Pressure, Temperature, and Humidity) on The Weather Channel website, and finally enter them in the 3 weather fields after returning to the Weather screen, and that's all!
Well, almost everything, because in this case you must also check the "Altimetric correction (QNH ==> QFE)" box, which will correct the pressure returned by The Weather Channel website and which is a standardized pressure at the sea level (named QNH), into a local pressure at the altitude where you are currently (named QFE), and which is obviously the one that PerfectPower must use for its calculations!
Note 3: For information, the pressure returned by all official weather stations worldwide is always a QNH by default, it is only a QFE when it is explicitly specified in the returned report with also the mention of the altitude of the station. Please remember this if you use a weather station other than that of the reference weather website The Weather Channel used by PerfectPower.
Note 4: Please note, it is necessary to wait approximately 10 s in the Perfs screen after opening the application (time to obtain a sufficiently accurate GPS signal) before going to this Weather screen to manually recover the weather data! Indeed, the GPS being cut off as soon as you exit the Perfs screen to save battery, the GPS information used for manual recovery of weather data is that recorded at the precise moment when you leave the Perfs screen to go to the Weather screen, and they only exist (and are reliable) from around 10 seconds after opening the application.
C) Losses calculation mode
Press Losses calculation mode, then choose the losses calculation mode you want to use from the two offered (Calculation on parameters and Measure in coastdown). Indications are displayed on the screen to help you in your choice. Once the losses calculation mode has been chosen, return to the Setup screen by pressing the BACK button.
Note 1: If you choose the losses calculation mode by measure in coastdown, you will also need to configure the losses measurement duration (min 5 s and max 15 s).
Note 2: Although the essential indications for choosing the losses calculation mode are displayed on the screen in the application, additional information is given to you in this guide, because this choice has a real importance in the reliability of the engine results...
Mode 1: Calculation of losses on parameters
This mode is the standard mode, the one which presents the best compromise reliability of results / ease of use.
In this mode, the calculation of losses is done by dynamic calculation during the measurement based on physical laws and the parameters entered in the Car sheet (in particular the Cd.A and the weight). It comes highly recommended by PerfectPower!
The advantages of this mode are four:
- The reliability of the engine results remains exceptional for the overwhelming majority of cars (unless you have a Formula 1 -and even then-, your results will remain extremely reliable!)
- It does not require freewheeling at the end of the measurement
- It does not require a road with a constant slope
- It allows you to measure 100% of cars (manual gearboxes AND automatic gearboxes)
For two disadvantages:
- It requires the averaging of measurements in both directions of the road if this one is not perfectly flat (almost always the case in practice...)
- It requires that you accurately enter ALL the parameters of the Car sheet (in particular the Cd.A and the weight)
Mode 2: Calculation of losses by measure in coastdown
This mode is an alternative mode typically used on rolling road.
In this mode, the losses (only those of "free" type in reality) are not calculated but measured in a freewheeling phase to be carried out once the measurement itself is completed, by freewheeling (by disengaging) for a time to also configure (“Measurement duration (s)” field, min 5 s and max 15 s).
The advantages of this mode are three:
- The reliability of the engine results is maximum for all cars... measurable in this mode! (automatic gearboxes excluded...)
- It does not require configuring the Cd.A in the Car sheet (parameter sometimes difficult to access)
- It compensates for the effects of a possible road slope... but only if this slope is constant over the entire measurement!
For also three disadvantages:
- If the road is sloping, it requires that this slope be constant over the entire measurement zone + the entire freewheel zone (in other words, NEVER the case in practice...)
- The majority of cars with an automatic gearbox are simply immeasurable in this mode (impossibility of freewheeling...)
- It requires remaining 5 to 15 s (according to configured duration) freewheeling at the end of the measurement, which requires a certain length of road...
Synthesis: What is the best mode?
Of course, everyone can use the mode that seems best suited to their situation, taking into account the report of the advantages and disadvantages of each of these two modes presented above, but it is still generally more interesting to use mode 1!
Why? Already from a strictly objective point of view: 4 advantages / 2 disadvantages for mode 1, against 3 / 3 for mode 2... But also and above all because mode 1 is more universal and homogeneous than mode 2: indeed, mode 1 allows to measure 100% of the cars produced on the planet while mode 2 immediately excludes cars with automatic gearbox, and also mode 1 is clearly much easier to implement on open roads than mode 2!
But that's not all: even in terms of accuracy of engine results which I remind you is the ABSOLUTE PRIORITY of PerfectPower since its creation and its very reason for being, mode 1 remains exceptionally accurate for the overwhelming majority -if not all- of cars, both thanks to the perfection of the losses calculation in PerfectPower (better than that of any roller or hub dyno in the world...), and thanks to also the moderate speeds practiced with PerfectPower (measurements in 2nd or 3rd gear) allowing the losses calculation to maintain exceptional accuracy (high speeds such as those practiced on a roller dyno -measurements typically in 4th or 5th gear- generate strong pneumatic / road or -especially- rollers friction, which inevitably reduces the accuracy of the losses calculation...).
Once that said, what could seem like the only small advantage of mode 2 over mode 1 in terms of accuracy of engine results disappears, and when we now look at the real advantages of mode 1 over mode 2 in terms of universality and homogeneity, we see very clearly why mode 1 is generally more interesting to use!
2) Performances Simulator
Press Performances simulator, then choose the shift time that you consider to be the most realistic when driving your car. Once this time has been chosen, return to the Setup screen by pressing the BACK button.
Note 1: The configuration of the runs flying start in the performances simulator is actually done in the “Runs flying start” menu a little lower.
Note 2: Other settings will be added in future versions (slope angle, presence of wind, dry/wet ground, etc...).
3) Accelerations
Press Accelerations, then choose:
- The end speed of your acceleration measurements
- To activate or not the measurement stop mode at this speed
Once this setting has been made, return to the Setup screen by pressing the BACK button.
4) Runs flying start
Press Runs flying start, then choose:
- The gear engaged
- The start speed
- The end speed
Once this setting has been made, return to the Setup screen by pressing the BACK button.
Note 1: It is of course the gear engaged at the start of the run which must be selected. For example, if you want to do a 40-100 mph in 2/3/4, you must enter the gear 2.
Note 2: In reality, these three runs flying start parameters are also used by... the performances simulator!
5) Brqking
Press Braking, then choose the braking start speed. Once this speed has been chosen, return to the Setup screen by pressing the BACK button.
6) Rev calibration
Press Rev calibration, then choose the calibration rev for power measurements. Once this rev has been chosen, return to the Setup screen by pressing the BACK button.
7) Losses measurement
Press Losses measurement, then choose:
- The start speed of losses measurement
- The duration of losses measurement
Once this setting has been made, return to the Setup screen by pressing the BACK button.
II) Configuring the Car sheet
Configuring the Car sheet is done in the Cars screen (accessible by pressing the Cars icon -the 4th, in the middle-right-).
The list of registered cars is displayed on the screen. It contains a default car on first use (Aston Martin DBS).
1) Create & Modify a car
Click on the row corresponding to the desired car, or on the + row if you want to create a new car. You then access its sheet, which you will have to fill in completely. Once completed, don't forget to save the information entered by pressing the "SAVE" button (important!), and return to the Cars screen by pressing the BACK button.
Note: Although it is not essential, remember to close the keyboard after entering the information by pressing the blue button Done, because this action generates a process of checking the validity of the information entered which can help you correct any data that may be erroneous!
2) Structure of a Car sheet
A) Basic data (8)
You must enter 8 basic data, necessary for power measurements:
- Car weight
- Engine displacement
- Number of cylinders
- Transmission
- Tyres dimension
- Gear ratios
- Final ratio
- Cd.A
Plus a 9th: the additional weight, which corresponds to all the masses other than those of the car: yours of course (or that of all the occupants present in the car at the time of the power measurements if you are several), and that of eventual luggages, belongings, or tools.
All the information necessary to enter these 8 basic data is given in the Database section, which will also provide you with a link to:
- The PerfectPower Database
- The most complete automotive database in the world: The Automobile-Catalog
IMPORTANT: The link to the Database section is also available in the application, in the Car sheet, at the bottom in the "Help completing the Car sheet" chapter.
B) Option: Calculation of the gear ratios
If you don't know the gear and final ratios of your car (car present neither in the PerfectPower database nor in that of the Automobile-Catalog), or you want to check them, PerfectPower has an option called "Calculation of the gear ratios" specially created for this purpose! This option is at the bottom of the Car sheet, and it is accessible by pressing the blue button >>>.
To use it, you just need to measure the stabilized speeds on each gear at 3000 rpm with PerfectPower (GPS speed permanently displayed at the top of the Perfs screen), then enter them in the corresponding fields in this option (remember to close the small keyboard after typing), and finally press the "Calculation of the gear ratios" button located just below the fields: PerfectPower will then calculate your new gear ratios, and put them in the corresponding fields "Gear ratios" in the Car sheet!
A few remarks however:
- This calculation of the gear ratios is necessarily done for a given final ratio: it is the one that is entered in the "Final ratio" field when you access the option. Of course, it's possible that this isn't the right final ratio since if you use this option, it is probably because you know neither the gear ratios nor the final ratio of your car, but it does not pose any problem, and you can just as well leave the default value of 3.705 (Aston Martin DBS), or put another one of your choice (4 for example), and all the gear ratios will be calculated for this final ratio. Admittedly, these gear ratios will therefore not be the real ones but equivalent ratios calculated for the final ratio entered, which is therefore not the correct one either, but as said this does not pose any problem, because what counts to calculate the engine speed / wheels speed ratio is only the total ratio (= gear ratio * final ratio), and this total ratio will be perfectly good for all gears! Of course, if you know the real final ratio, fill it in and then PerfectPower will calculate your real gear ratios.
- It is not essential to take this reading for all the gears: the most important is to do it for the gear used for the power measurements, generally the 2nd. All you have to do then is leave all the other fields at their default values. Nevertheless, PerfectPower encourages you to do it for all gears, so that the performance simulator can work properly, if you use it of course.
- This option also works in the opposite direction, to allow you to check if the gear and final ratios that you have entered in the Car sheet are correct: indeed, when you access this option, PerfectPower calculates the real speeds at 3000 rpm on all gears and displays them in the corresponding fields of this option: you just need to compare these speeds with those you measured on the road by stabilizing at 3000 rpm on each gear: they must be equal at +- 1 km/h & mph!
C) Measurement data (3)
You must enter 3 measurement data, defining the conditions of your power measurements:
- Gear selected
- Min rev
- Max rev
The power measurements must always be carried out on a single gear, from a minimum rev to a maximum rev, both allowing to cover the entire normal engine operating range, so you must obviously specify these three parameters to PerfectPower!
- Gear selected: Use only the 2nd or the 3rd with a serial car, knowing that what determines this parameter in priority is the measurement time, which must be ideally between 5 and 10 s. Which to schematize corresponds to the 2nd for cars under 300 hp, and the 3rd for the (rare!) others.
- Min rev: Use 2000 rpm in gasoline engine and 1500 rpm in Diesel engine, values typically used on chassis dynamometers and perfectly suited to these types of engines
- Max rev: Use the rev limiter in gasoline engine and the red zone in Diesel engine
Note 1: In some rare cases, you may be required to measure in a gear higher than 3rd:
- Measurement duration below 5 s even in 3rd (but then you have a real rocket!)
- Insufficient grip even in 3rd (same remark!) (of course, it is preferable to avoid measuring in the rain...)
On the other hand and except in very special cases (like an ultra long 1st...), you should NEVER be required to measure in 1st!
Note 2: It is frequent that there is a voluntary limitation of the torque on the first two gears on FWD sports cars (and not even really in fact: a Peugeot 2008 1.2 turbo 130 hp falls into this scenario!), also in this scenario and even if the measurement duration is between 5 and 10 s in 2nd, do not hesitate to test in 3rd to see what it gives...
Note 3: PerfectPower calculates the theoretical max speed on your measurement gear (theoretical speed on the gear selected at the max selected), and displays it in green just below the 3 fields of the 3 measurement data (line "Speed at max rev"). This value is a precious help, as it will allow you to check at a glance during your power measurements if everything is OK (setting of the gear and final ratios and of the tyres dimension, quality of the GPS reception on your measurement road): indeed, the max speed actually measured by PerfectPower must match this theoretical max speed! Please note, however, that a tolerance margin of +- 2% must be granted to this value, corresponding to that on the actual tyres dimension (that on the gear and final ratios is negligible).
3) Delete a car
You can delete a car at any time: from the sheet of the car to be deleted, make a long click on the "DELETE" button located at the very bottom. You can then delete other cars by repeating the same operation.
Warning: This deletion operation is irreversible, and it deletes at the same time all the results associated with this car!
III) Mounting the phone
Mounting your phone is done by using a good windshield mount (i.e. sufficiently rigid, holding the phone correctly and correctly absorbing vibrations), and by positioning it correctly. No other type of mounting should be used!
The three rules that the phone must follow are:
- it must not move during the measurement (as little as possible in reality)
- it must be subjected to as little vibration as possible
- it must be aligned with the direction of movement of the vehicle and not tilted laterally, but can be tilted vertically between 0° and 90° in relation to the horizontal
The diagram below shows you the position the phone must have.
IMPORTANT: PerfectPower strongly recommends the use of one of the following two windshield mounts which perfectly meet all the required criteria:
1) WIXGEAR universal magnetic windshield mount (Amazon US)
2) T'NB universal windshield mount (Amazon France)
The WIXGEAR mount on the left and the T'NB (old version) on the right
IV) Measurement of power and performances
You hqve to perform your measurements on the flattest and smoothest road possible (this is the most important), in a straight line, with as little wind as possible, and with the tires warm and well inflated (manufacturer pressure).
It is also important to perform your measurements in both directions of the road (and on the same portion) and ask PerfectPower to average them in order to eliminate the very real influence of the road slope and the wind on the results (see Question Q5 of the FAQ - translation coming soon-)...
Here are now the seven types of measurements that can be carried out with PerfectPower:
- 4 main and stored in memory: Power, Accelerations, Runs flying start, and Braking
- 3 secondaries: Speed, Rev calibration, and Losses measurement
1) Power
Go to the Perfs screen (the home screen), and at the very top of the screen, select:
- the P tab (= Power), the 1st
- the car you want to use (short click to scroll through them, long click to select the one you want)
Note: Selecting the car results in the color of its action bar changing from blue to red.
A) Mode 1 (Accelerometer + GPS)
1) Put the car to a complete stop, foot on the brake, disengaged and 1st gear engaged (START & blue bar)
2) Press the chrono located in the middle of the screen (WAIT & red bar & accelerometer calibration 1 s)
3) Wait for the GO! signal to start (GO! & green bar)
4) Start normally in 1st gear, the measurement is started automatically (RUNNING... & white bar)
5) Shift up to the selected gear (2nd or 3rd), making sure to fall back on this gear below the selected min rev
6) Then accelerate fully (wide open throttle) up to the selected max rev (no more, no less)
7) Once this max rev is reached, disengage (manual gearbox) or simply take your foot off the accelerator (automatic gearbox) then let the car slow down for at least 3 seconds, after which the measurement will be stopped automatically (ENDED & blue bar)
8) A measurement report is then displayed in the lower part of the screen, which will give you the essential information of your measurement (power, torque, quality report). Once read, press the chrono, PerfectPower will re-initialize for a new measurement (START & blue bar)
Note 1 (step 5): A tip to be sure to fall back below the selected min rev on the selected gear is to shift up the gears at the selected min rev! Here is an example:
Selected gear = 3 & Selected min rev = 2000 rpm
Shift up 1st and 2nd at 2000 rpm, you will FORCEDLY fall back below 2000 rpm in 3rd!
Note 2 (step 7): You can also brake a little to force the measurement to stop, but do it only after a natural slowing down phase of the car (freewheel or foot off the accelerator) of at least 1 second. What you should in all cases avoid to do is to brake abruptly as soon as the max rev is reached!
Note 3 (step 7): In all cases, the measurement will stop automatically at the first of the following three conditions encountered: 3 consecutive seconds of deceleration, significant braking, or 30 seconds of measurement.
IMPORTANT 1: In the "Calculation of losses by measure in coastdown" mode, it is obviously IMPERATIVE to remain in freewheel for the whole losses measurement duration configured in Setup & Power (min 5 s and max 15 s)!
IMPORTANT 2: You must not continue to accelerate in the higher gear once the max rev has been reached on the selected gear, otherwise the application will believe that the measurement is not finished and will continue to record it! This reflex is very common among new users!
B) Mode 2 (GPS only)
1) Stabilize the car at an engine speed 200 rpm lower than the selected min rev on the selected gear (START & blue bar)
2) Press the chrono located in the middle of the screen (GO! & green bar)
3) Accelerate fully (wide open throttle) up to the selected max rev (no more, no less), the measurement is started automatically when the speed corresponding to the selected min rev is crossed (RUNNING... & white bar)
4) Once this max rev is reached, disengage (manual gearbox) or simply take your foot off the accelerator (automatic gearbox) then let the car slow down for at least 3 seconds, after which the measurement will be stopped automatically (ENDED & blue bar)
5) A measurement report is then displayed in the lower part of the screen, which will give you the essential information of your measurement (power, torque, quality report). Once read, press the chrono, PerfectPower will re-initialize for a new measurement (START & blue bar)
Note (step 4): In all cases, the measurement will stop automatically at the first of the following two conditions encountered: 3 consecutive seconds of deceleration, or 30 seconds of measurement.
IMPORTANT 1: In the "Calculation of losses by measure in coastdown" mode, it is obviously IMPERATIVE to remain in freewheel for the whole losses measurement duration configured in Setup & Power (min 5 s and max 15 s)!
IMPORTANT 2: You must not continue to accelerate in the higher gear once the max rev has been reached on the selected gear, otherwise the application will believe that the measurement is not finished and will continue to record it! This reflex is very common among new users!
Tutorial & Demonstration Videos
A tutorial (French / English of your choice) and 5 demonstration videos are provided to you in Videos section!
Tips & Tricks
1) Use of the correction function of results on max speed in mode 1 (Accelerometer + GPS) in case of poor GPS reception (or even failure of this one!)
Always stop your measurements at the same max rev (the one selected in the Car sheet): not only it is this the normal measurement protocol, but it also allows you to detect AND above all correct a weakness in GPS reception! Indeed:
- When you do not use an external GPS:
1) The max speed of all your measurements must be within a maximum range of 1 km/h (example: 100 km/h real ==> all speeds between 99.5 and 100.5 km/h)
2) The max power in a same measurement direction must be within a maximum range of 2% (example: 100 hp real ==> all powers between 99 and 101 hp)
- When you use an external GPS of 10 Hz minimum:
1) The max speed of all your measurements must be within a maximum range of 0.5 km/h (example: 100 km/h real ==> all speeds between 99.75 and 100.25 km/h)
2) The max power in a same measurement direction must be within a maximum range of 1% (example: 100 hp real ==> all powers between 99.5 and 100.5 hp)
If your measurements do not fall within these speed and power ranges, this is a sure sign that your GPS reception is weak, but be aware that PerfectPower has an exceptionally efficient function for correcting the results on the actual max speed at the end of the measurement! To use it, follow the instructions given in chapter VII-3 dedicated to this function, thank you.
2) Reading of measurement reports for educational purposes
A series of 7 measurement reports with an educational purpose has been created and they are available in Results section, these are the 7 measurement reports of the Peugeot 307 1.6 16V from the PerfectPower Lab.
They are detailed and they will show you everything you can achieve with PerfectPower, even if they remain focused on power measurements which are by far the most interesting measurements of all in Automotive Physics!
Their main goal is to teach you how to perform the best possible measurements with PerfectPower (Android as iOS), knowing which measurement mode to use according to your preferences and measurement conditions, how to use the two corrective functions created especially for each of the two modes, and finally the strengths but also the limitations of the equipment used (an Android phone, an iOS phone, a RaceBox Mini, and a SkyPro XGPS 160).
They all have a particular interest, but if there was only one to read, it would certainly be report 7, which makes a perfect synthesis of absolutely EVERYTHING:
1) PerfectPower Android / PerfectPower iOS comparisons already made in reports 3 and 6
2) Mode 1 (Accelerometer + GPS) / Mode 2 (GPS only) comparisons already made in reports 4 and 5
3) Demonstration all at the same time of the perfection:
- of the PerfectPower calculation program (Android / iOS) and in both modes
- of the correction function of results on max speed developed for mode 1
- of the correction function of results on road slope developed for mode 2
4) Highlighting the strengths and limitations of the equipment used in this report (an Android phone, an iOS phone, a RaceBox Mini)
2) Accelerations
Go to the Perfs screen (the home screen), and at the very top of the screen, select:
- the A tab (= Accelerations), the 2nd
- the car you want to use (short click to scroll through them, long click to select the one you want)
Note: Selecting the car results in the color of its action bar changing from blue to red.
A) Mode 1 (Accelerometer + GPS)
1) Put the car to a complete stop, foot on the brake, disengaged and 1st gear engaged (START & blue bar)
2) Press the chrono located in the middle of the screen (WAIT & red bar & accelerometer calibration 1 s)
3) Wait for the GO! signal to start (GO! & green bar)
4) Accelerate fully, the measurement is started automatically (RUNNING... & white bar)
5) Once the measurement is finished (it is obviously you who decide when it is finished), disengage (manual gearbox) or simply take your foot off the accelerator (automatic gearbox) then let the car slow down for at least 3 seconds, after which the measurement will be stopped automatically (ENDED & blue bar)
6) A measurement report is then displayed in the lower part of the screen, which will give you the essential information of your measurement (acceleration time, quality report). Once read, press the chrono, PerfectPower will re-initialize for a new measurement (START & blue bar)
Note 1 (step 5): You can also brake a little to force the measurement to stop, but do it only after a natural slowing down phase of the car (freewheel or foot off the accelerator) of at least 1 second. What you should in all cases avoid to do is to brake abruptly as soon as the measurement is finished!
Note 2 (step 5): In all cases, the measurement will stop automatically at the first of the following three conditions encountered: 3 consecutive seconds of deceleration, significant braking, or 60 seconds of measurement.
IMPORTANT: If you have activated the acceleration measurement stop mode on speed in Setup & Accelerations, the measurement will stop automatically as soon as the configured measurement end speed is reached!
B) Mode 2 (GPS only)
1) Put the car to a complete stop, foot on the brake, disengaged and 1st gear engaged (START & blue bar)
2) Press the chrono located in the middle of the screen (GO! & green bar)
3) Accelerate fully, the measurement is started automatically (RUNNING... & white bar)
4) Once the measurement is finished (it is obviously you who decide when it is finished), disengage (manual gearbox) or simply take your foot off the accelerator (automatic gearbox) then let the car slow down for at least 3 seconds, after which the measurement will be stopped automatically (ENDED & blue bar)
5) A measurement report is then displayed in the lower part of the screen, which will give you the essential information of your measurement (acceleration time, quality report). Once read, press the chrono, PerfectPower will re-initialize for a new measurement (START & blue bar)
Note (step 4): In all cases, the measurement will stop automatically at the first of the following two conditions encountered: 3 consecutive seconds of deceleration, or 60 seconds of measurement.
IMPORTANT: If you have activated the acceleration measurement stop mode on speed in Setup & Accelerations, the measurement will stop automatically as soon as the configured measurement end speed is reached!
3) Runs flying start
Go to the Perfs screen (the home screen), and at the very top of the screen, select:
- the R tab (= Runs flying start), the 3rd
- the car you want to use (short click to scroll through them, long click to select the one you want)
Note: Selecting the car results in the color of its action bar changing from blue to red.
1) Stabilize the car at a real speed (GPS speed displayed at the top of the Perfs screen) 5 km/h (3 mph) lower than the selected start speed and on the selected gear (START & blue bar)
2) Press the chrono located in the middle of the screen (GO! & green bar)
3) Accelerate fully, PerfectPower automatically starts the measurement when the selected start speed is reached (RUNNING... & white bar)
4) Once the selected end speed is reached, PerfectPower automatically stops the measurement (ENDED & blue bar)
5) A measurement report is then displayed in the lower part of the screen, which will give you the essential information of your measurement (run time). Once read, press the chrono, PerfectPower will re-initialize for a new measurement (START & blue bar)
4) Braking
Go to the Perfs screen (the home screen), and at the very top of the screen, select:
- the B tab (= Braking), the 4th
- the car you want to use (short click to scroll through them, long click to select the one you want)
Note: Selecting the car results in the color of its action bar changing from blue to red.
A) Mode 1 (Accelerometer + GPS)
1) Stabilize the car at a real speed (GPS speed displayed at the top of the Perfs screen) 5 km/h (3 mph) higher than the selected start speed (START & blue bar)
2) Press the chrono located in the middle of the screen (WAIT & red bar & accelerometer calibration 1 s)
3) Wait for the GO! signal to brake (GO! & green bar)
4) Brake fully to a complete stop, PerfectPower automatically starts the measurement when the selected start speed is reached (RUNNING... & white bar)
5) Once the complete stop is achieved, PerfectPower automatically stops the measurement (ENDED & blue bar)
6) A measurement report is then displayed in the lower part of the screen, which will give you the essential information of your measurement (braking distance). Once read, press the chrono, PerfectPower will re-initialize for a new measurement (START & blue bar)
IMPORTANT: You must remain well stabilized at the same speed (as much as possible) during the second that the accelerometer calibration lasts (WAIT & red bar), otherwise the measurement will be false! What you must avoid in all cases is to start braking before the end of this accelerometer calibration phase!
B) Mode 2 (GPS only)
1) Stabilize the car at a real speed (GPS speed displayed at the top of the Perfs screen) 5 km/h (3 mph) higher than the selected start speed (START & blue bar)
2) Press the chrono located in the middle of the screen (GO! & green bar)
3) Brake fully to a complete stop, PerfectPower automatically starts the measurement when the selected start speed is reached (RUNNING... & white bar)
4) Once the complete stop is achieved, PerfectPower automatically stops the measurement (ENDED & blue bar)
5) A measurement report is then displayed in the lower part of the screen, which will give you the essential information of your measurement (braking distance). Once read, press the chrono, PerfectPower will re-initialize for a new measurement (START & blue bar)
5) Speed
Go to the Perfs screen (the home screen), and at the very top of the screen, select:
- the S tab (= Speed), the 5th
- the car you want to use (short click to scroll through them, long click to select the one you want)
Note: Selecting the car results in the color of its action bar changing from blue to red.
Prior note: This function actually allows you to perform 3 types of measurement: max speed measurement, speedometer calibration, or manual rev calibration.
1) Launch your car at full speed (max speed measurement) or stabilize it at the desired speedometer speed (speedometer calibration) or at the desired calibration rev on the desired gear (manual rev calibration) (START & blue bar)
2) Press the chrono located in the middle of the screen to start the measurement (RUNNING... & white bar)
3) Remain well stabilized at the desired speed or rev for 3 seconds, after which PerfectPower will automatically stop the measurement (ENDED & blue bar)
4) A measurement report is then displayed in the lower part of the screen, which will give you the average real speed (GPS) calculated over the 3 seconds of the measurement. Once read, press the chrono, PerfectPower will re-initialize for a new measurement (START & blue bar)
WARNING: This kind of measurement is not saved in memory: it will therefore be necessary to think as soon as the measurement is finished or to memorize the results (you can for example write them down on a sheet), or to take a screenshot.
6) Rev calibration
Go to the Perfs screen (the home screen), and at the very top of the screen, select:
- the r tab (= Rev calibration), the 6th
- the car you want to use (short click to scroll through them, long click to select the one you want)
Note: Selecting the car results in the color of its action bar changing from blue to red.
1) Stabilize the car at the selected calibration rev (3000 rpm by default) on the gear selected for power measurements (2nd or 3rd) (START & blue bar)
2) Press the chrono located in the middle of the screen to start the measurement (RUNNING... & white bar)
3) Remain well stabilized at the selected calibration rev for 3 seconds, after which PerfectPower will automatically stop the measurement (ENDED & blue bar)
4) A measurement report is then displayed in the lower part of the screen, which will give you a series of information calculated over the 3 seconds of the measurement, including of course the calculated gear ratio.
If you are satisfied with your rev calibration, then press the chrono (START & blue bar) then select the P tab (= Power): you are then ready to perform your power measurements!
On the other hand, if you are not (poor stabilization of the rev during the 3 seconds of the measurement), simply press the chrono (START & blue bar) then redo another one immediately, making sure to stabilize better.
WARNING: The gear ratio calculated following a rev calibration is systematically saved in memory, and it therefore "overwrites" the old value that was there: you will therefore have to think carefully if you are not satisfied with your rev calibration or to redo another one immediately, or to put back in the Car sheet the old value that was there!
7) Losses measurement
Go to the Perfs screen (the home screen), and at the very top of the screen, select:
- the l tab (= Losses measurement), the 7th
- the car you want to use (short click to scroll through them, long click to select the one you want)
Note: Selecting the car results in the color of its action bar changing from blue to red.
1) Stabilize the car at a real speed (GPS speed displayed at the top of the Perfs screen) 5 km/h (3 mph) higher than the selected start speed (START & blue bar)
2) Press the chrono located in the middle of the screen (GO! & green bar)
3) Freewheel by disengaging (manual gearbox) or by selecting "Neutral" (automatic gearbox, and if possible!) then let the car slow down, PerfectPower automatically starts the measurement when the selected start speed is reached (RUNNING... & white bar)
4) Once the selected losses measurement duration has been achieved (min 5 s and max 15 s), PerfectPower automatically stops the measurement (ENDED & blue bar)
5) A measurement report is then displayed in the lower part of the screen, which will give you the information of your measurement. Once read, press the chrono, PerfectPower will re-initialize for a new measurement (START & blue bar)
WARNING: This kind of measurement is not saved in memory: it will therefore be necessary to think as soon as the measurement is finished or to memorize the results (you can for example write them down on a sheet), or to take a screenshot.
Annex) The measure report / Warnings Codes
At the end of each measurement (regardless of its type), PerfectPower provides you with a measure report in the lower part of the screen that you can scroll by sliding your finger over it. This report will reveal the essential results of your measurement according to its type, and for power and accelerations measurements, the number of warnings on a series of 10 points summarizing:
- the quality of your compliance with the complete stop during the specific calibration (w1)
- the quality of the mounting of your phone (rigidity -w1-, vibrations -w2-, position -w3, w4, w5-)
- the stability of your phone during the measurement (angular displacements -w6, w7, w8-, depending both on the quality of the mounting of your phone -rigidity- and that of your measurement road -profile and condition-)
- the proper working of your GPS receiver (w9)
- the accuracy of GPS reception (w10)
You must take into account the indications given in this measure report to check or improve the quality of your measurements if necessary. If the number of warnings is regularly between 0 and 2, then the measurements are of good quality. That said, don't worry if the number of warnings exceeds 2, because the extreme efficiency of PerfectPower's correction algorithms means that very often, 2, 3, 4, or even 5 warnings may have no consequencies: it all depends on the type of warning and the level at which the critical threshold is exceeded.
It should be noted that each warning has a degree reflecting the level of overrun of the critical threshold, from 0 (= below the critical threshold ==> no warning) to 3 (= extreme overrun of the critical threshold), even if in reality the majority of the warnings have only two levels (0 and 1): only warnings 1 and 10 have more.
Here is the list of the 10 warnings with their different degrees:
Warning 1: Mounting of the phone (no movement) and complete stop during the specific calibration (0 = OK - 1 = slight movement - 2 = net movement ==> switch to Error 1)
Warning 2: Vibration level (0 = OK - 1 = imperfect)
Warning 3: Position of the phone around the car X axis (0 = OK - 1 = imperfect)
Warning 4: Position of the phone around the car Y axis (0 = OK - 1 = imperfect)
Warning 5: Position of the phone around the car Z axis (0 = OK - 1 = imperfect)
Warning 6: Stability of the phone around its X axis (0 = OK - 1 = imperfect)
Warning 7: Stability of the phone around its Y axis (0 = OK - 1 = imperfect)
Warning 8: Stability of the phone around its Z axis (0 = OK - 1 = imperfect)
Warning 9: GPS receiver working (0 = OK - 1 = not working)
Warning 10: Accuracy of GPS reception (0 = good - 1 = average - 2 = bad - 3 = no GPS reception following warning 9)
In addition, PerfectPower saves in memory the warnings of each measurement with their degree, and restores them in the results sheet in the form of a line of codes in a paragraph named "Warnings": these codes from 0 to 3 correspond to the degree of each of the 10 warnings, listed in ascending order: warning 1, warning 2, warning 3, etc...
The interest of this line is to allow each user to re-view after measurement the eventual warnings obtained during the measurement with their degree, and then consult the guide to know in detail the type of error(s) made with its level of intensity, exactly like reading DTC (Data Trouble Codes) in an ECU (Engine Control Unit)!
Note 1: Be careful, because PerfectPower can reject the measurement if one of the following 3 rules is not respected:
- Error 1: Faulty mounting of the phone (too much movement), and/or failure to respect the complete stop during the specific calibration (WAIT & red bar)
- Error 2: Measurement duration < 3 seconds
- Error 3: Measurement start rev on selected gear not reached (power only)
In this case, it is not a measure report that is delivered to you, but a failure report that will give you the reason for this failure.
Note 2: However, for strictly pedagogical purposes, PerfectPower will NEVER reject a measurement actually launched, i.e. in "Running..." state and having started for at least 3 seconds: in other words, if it happens a real incident during the measurement (such as the phone falling from its support), PerfectPower will still validate the measurement, even though the results will be aberrant, the principle of measurements based on accelerometers requiring a maximum stability of the phone during the measurements... On the other hand, the measure report will notify you of the disaster, with a disastrous phone stability on the 3 axes (warnings 6, 7, and 8): it's up to you to understand that the measurement is aberrant and to reject it!
As you can see, PerfectPower is really interactive and formative!
V) Performances Simulator
PerfectPower has an extremely sophisticated performances simulator, allowing you to simulate with maximum reliability all possible and imaginable performances of your car! It is based on the results of any power measurement that you indicate to it, and it will then recalculate, using the power / torque curves obtained and all the parameters that you have entered in the Car sheet, all the performances of your car, which fall into four types:
0) Ideal max revs to reach on each gear
1) Accelerations
2) Runs flying start
3) Max speed
This simulator is accessible from any Power results sheet by pressing the Perfs simulation button located at the bottom of the sheet, and it will calculate and display all its results. Four remarks however:
I) The simulator indicates to you at the beginning of its report the simulations that it was able to carry out (accelerations, runs flying start, max speed) according to the revs at the start and end of the power measurement. Indeed, it cannot necessarily simulate all the measurements: for example, if your power measurement starts at 3000 rpm and stops at 3500 rpm, the simulator will not be able to simulate an acceleration since it will not know the power during any change of gear since the engine speed will drop below 3000 rpm at this time... but it will also not be able to simulate any run flying start that would take place over an engine speed range not completely included in the 3000-3500 rpm range for the same reason...
==> You must therefore think about this when you perform your power measurements, and therefore choose a range of revs wide enough to allow all the simulations, this range OBLIGATORILY having to include the rev of 3000 rpm, because PerfectPower simulates for the accelerations a clutch control at this rev when starting. Please note, however, that if you follow to the letter the guide for the configuration of the Car sheet and the power measurements, all this is obligatorily guaranteed!
II) The simulator then indicates the measurement atmospheric conditions (those of the DIN standard) as well as those of the car (those of its current sheet) used for its calculations. This has a very interesting consequence: it allows you to test the effects on performances of any car parameter change and to simulate any run flying start at will just by going back and forth in the Car sheet (for the change of car parameters) or in the Setup (for the runs flying start): the new simulation is performed INSTANTLY when returning to the simulator!
III) The simulator takes place in the measurement scheme of measurements performed on a flat, smooth, dry road, in a straight line, without wind, and with the tires warm and well inflated (manufacturer pressure), i.e. an ideal scheme. However, it can simulate EVERYTHING: measurements on a wet road, uphill or downhill, in bend, with wind, with over-inflated or under-inflated tires, etc... Also, if users are interested in the addition of such features in the future, it will be done!
IV) And finally, here are the essentials to remember about the simulation of the four types of performances:
0) Ideal max revs to reach on each gear
They represent the revs that must be "pulled" on each gear to obtain the best performances.
As you will be able to see when using the simulator, and contrary to certain preconceived ideas widespread even in the sporting automotive environment (it's a shame!), the ideal max rev is often 500 to 1000 rpm higher than the max power rev according to the gear (especially in gasoline), and in any case always at least equal to the max power rev, and this is completely normal! The role of engine torque is surprisingly often very overrated in the notion of the ideal max rev to reach on each gear or even of acceleration capacities in general (if this was true, Diesels would be the absolute champions of accelerations, and we are obviously very far from the account...), so a future article will be published on this subject to clarify all this and restore power to its former glory!
1) Accelerations
The simulator achieves a maximum acceleration lasting 60 seconds performed by a PERFECT driver, capable of making a perfect start while remaining at the grip limit on starting in clutch control at 3000 rpm (and also after the start if the car is violent!), to push all its gears to the ideal max revs, and to change them in just 0.20s, which is ultra fast with a manual gearbox. On the other hand, the grip coefficients used are those of old tires (90s), and they will be reviewed in a future update. But all in all, the best times you will do in your acceleration measurements should be very close to those calculated by the simulator, which represents, to summarize, optimal reference times but achieved with non-optimal tires!
2) Runs flying start
The simulator carries out a run flying start from a speed x to a speed y starting on a gear z, with x, y, and z mentioned in the Setup. Of course, if the speed y is unreachable, it will tell you!
3) Max speed
The simulator gives you the max speed you can reach, with the gear engaged and the corresponding engine speed.
Reminder: All these performances are achieved within the ideal measurement scheme defined in note III.
VI) Lap Timer
Go to the Track screen (accessible by pressing the Track icon -the 2nd, in the middle-left-).
Prior definition: A Lap Timer is an automatic timing system for laps on track. This function allows all those who run on track to:
- know the performance of their car on track during a session
- check their regularity (driver AND car) during these sessions
- quantify the progression of these performances over time
It is of course the GPS receiver which is used in base to perform this function.
To properly use the Lap Timer, you must perform the following 4 operations, and always in this order:
1) Track selection (list or free choice of GPS coordinates)
The gray bar at the top of the screen displays the name of the selected track. Press it to scroll through the list of available tracks (only two in August 2023: Lurcy-Levis and Le Castellet, both in France), or to select the "Free choice" mode which allows you to freely choose the GPS coordinates of a reference point of the track on which you are going (ideally the middle of the finish line). In the second case, you will have to search these GPS coordinates on Google Earth or in a "Lap Timer" specialized application (Harry's Lap Timer, RaceChrono), then enter them in the application in the fields "Ref latitude (°)" and "Ref longitude (°)" in the DMS system (degrees, minutes, seconds). In this system, enter for the latitude and the longitude and from left to right the degrees (integer number), the minutes (integer number), the seconds (decimal number with a precision of 2 digits after the decimal point), and finally the quarter globe (latitude: N for North / S for South, longitude: E for East / W for West).
At this point, the Lap Timer is already ready to work!
2) Mount the phone ONLY on a good windshield mount for optimal GPS reception
Indeed, for an optimal GPS reception and therefore an optimal timing accuracy, it is essential that the phone is positioned under the windshield, and therefore on a good windshield mount. Since this is already the mounting to use for the PerfectPower basic measurements, use of course the same mount for all your measurements with PerfectPower.
3) Know that the Lap Timer only works if the speed at the reference point entered in the application is greater than or equal to 50 km/h (31 mph)
There are two reasons for this:
- the Lap Timer being used for track times, crossing the reference point at less than 50 km/h (31 mph) means that we have stopped the timed laps and there is no point in continuing to time
- the accuracy of the Lap Timer is PROPORTIONAL to the speed for a very simple physical reason: the time being equal to the quotient of the distance by the speed, the higher this one is, the lower the time lag due to the not perfect accuracy of the GPS receiver, and therefore the better the accuracy of the Lap Timer!
4) Get to the track, and run the Lap Timer!
When you leave to do your session, go to the Track screen, then do the following operations:
Press the chrono located in the middle of the screen. The bar below the chrono initially blue ("Start") then turns white ("Running..."): the chrono then starts immediately, and you can start whenever you want to perform your timed session! Take care of absolutely nothing, PerfectPower manages everything! A few clarifications though:
- The Lap Timer obviously only begins to time the track laps from the first crossing of the track reference point! Which obviously doesn't pose any problem, quite the contrary, since the initial phase from the start from the track parking is only a phase intended to launch, and the real timing MUST only begin once perfectly launched!
- All timed laps are memorized by PerfectPower and displayed in the lower part of the screen. Thus, once your session is over, you can analyze them quietly.
- The maximum number of recorded laps is 30, and the maximum timing duration is 1 hour.
- In all cases, the timer will stop either manually by pressing the chrono on the screen, or automatically after the first of the following two conditions is met: 30 laps completed, or 1 hour of session. The bar below the chrono then becomes blue again ("Ended"), and you can quietly analyze all your timed laps displayed in the lower part of the screen.
- Once the session has been analyzed, pressing again the chrono on the screen allows you to return to the "Start" state (bar below the chrono still blue) which will reset all the data, and you can start again whenever you want to perform a new timed session.
VII) Résultats
Rendez vous dans l’écran Résultats (accessible en appuyant sur l'icône Résultats -la 5ème, à droite-).
La liste des 4 principaux types de mesures (et enregistrés en mémoire) s'affiche alors:
Puissance, Accélérations, Reprises, et Freinage.
Cliquez sur le type de mesure souhaité parmi ces 4, et la liste des résultats de la voiture sélectionnée -celle affichée en écran Perfs- s’affiche alors.
Chacun des résultats de cette liste est repéré par la date de la mesure associée, et plusieurs informations (globales ou spécifiques au type de mesure) sont également affichées:
Ligne 1 (global): Date de la mesure, nature de la mesure (U = mesure unique, Mx = moyenne de x mesures, x = 2, 3, ou 4), mode de la mesure (Mode 1 = Accelerometre + GPS, Mode 2 = GPS only), numéro d'enregistrement (de 1 à 50, nombre maximal de résultats admissible)
Ligne 2 (spécifique au type de mesure):
- Puissance: la puissance maxi, le rapport de boite de mesure, la norme de correction, et le mode de calcul des pertes (pertes1 = calcul des pertes sur paramètres, pertes2 = calcul des pertes par mesure en roue libre)
- Accélérations: le temps aux 400 m DA
- Reprises: le type de reprises (vitesse de début, vitesse de fin, rapport de boite) et le temps réalisé
- Freinage: le type de freinage (vitesse de début) et la distance d'arrêt réalisée
Exemple en choisissant les mesures de puissance (voiture selectionnee Peugeot 307 1.6 16V)
1) Lecture des résultats (fiche, graphique)
Cliquez sur la rangée correspondant au résultat souhaité, et vous accédez alors à sa fiche.
Cette fiche est d'un format spécifique pour chaque type de mesure (puissance, accélérations, reprises, freinage). Les résultats de puissance et d’accélérations possèdent un graphique accessible en appuyant sur le bouton Graphique situé en bas de la fiche.
Ce graphique inclue 2 courbes représentant:
- la puissance moteur et le couple moteur en fonction du régime pour la puissance
- l’accélération et la vitesse en fonction du temps pour les accélérations
En haut de ce graphique sont résumées les valeurs maxis.
Ce graphique est en outre interactif: il vous suffit de glisser votre doigt dessus pour voir apparaitre une petite barre verte se déplaçant avec votre doigt, et les valeurs exactes du point de mesure sélectionné sont affichées dans la zone réservée en haut de l'écran. Pour revenir à l’écran Résultats, appuyez sur la touche BACK.
2) Re-calcul des resultats sur parametres (puissance)
PerfectPower offre une fonction extrêmement intéressante de re-calcul des resultats sur parametres pour les mesures de puissance, qui permet de faire re-calculer ces mesures par l'application APRES qu'elles aient été réalisées, en en modifiant les paramètres!
Cette fonction se trouve dans toute fiche de résultats, dans la partie "Option: Re-calcul de la mesure" située elle-meme en dessous des résultats de la mesure. Pour l'utiliser:
- Rendez vous dans la fiche de résultats de la mesure a modifier
- Modifiez les parametres voulus (Meteo et Voiture)
- Des la fermeture du clavier, PerfectPower recalcule instantanement tous vos résultats (puissances, couples, régimes, etc...) sur l'intégralité de la mesure (sans toutefois les enregistrer)!
- Appuyez sur le bouton "Enregistrer les nouveaux paramètres" situé un peu plus bas si vous souhaitez enregistrer définitivement la mesure avec ses nouveaux parametres!
Vous pouvez bien sûr répéter l'opération pour toute autre mesure qui serait a modifier!
Note 1: L'interet de cette fonction est double: en effet, elle ne permet pas seulement de corriger des parametres qui auraient ete mal renseignes lors de la creation initiale de la fiche Voiture, mais elle permet aussi de realiser d'emblee des mesures sans effectuer de parametrage initial (tres utile par exemple lorsque vous avez tres peu de temps pour mesurer une nouvelle voiture...), en sachant que vous aurez tout le temps d'effectuer ce parametrage APRES les mesures, a tete reposee!
Cependant ATTENTION car un parametrage initial mimimum reste necessaire: celui du type de transmission (traction, propulsion, ou integrale), du rapport de boite de mesure (2eme ou 3eme), et du regime mini, mais il est extremement rapide et facile a faire! Ces trois parametres seront interdits a toute modification dans les fiches de resultats (c'est pourquoi ils y apparaissent en rouge et leurs champs sont verrouilles...), aussi merci de vous rappeler que vous devrez les renseigner AVANT mesure, sinon ce sont les parametres par defaut de la fiche Voiture utilisee qui s'appliqueront...
Note 2: Comme pour le paramétrage de la fiche Voiture, l’appui sur le bouton bleu Terminé du clavier genere un processus de controle de la validite des donnees saisies (parametres modifies dans le cas present).
3) Correction des resultats sur vitesse maxi (puissance & accelerations) (mode 1)
PerfectPower offre une fonction exceptionnellement efficace de correction des resultats sur vitesse maxi pour les mesures de puissance et d'accelerations realisees en mode 1 (Accelerometre + GPS), qui permet de corriger ces mesures en cas de mauvaise reception GPS (ou meme de defaillance de celui-ci!)!
Cette fonction se trouve dans toute fiche de résultats, en bas de la partie "Option: Re-calcul de la mesure" située elle-meme en dessous des résultats de la mesure. Pour l'utiliser:
- Rendez vous dans la fiche de résultats de la mesure a corriger sur vitesse maxi
- Cochez la case "Correction vitesse maxi (mode 1)"
- Saisissez dans le champ "Vitesse maxi" la vitesse maxi réelle de fin de mesure (qu'il vous faut juste parvenir a déterminer avec soin: des conseils vous sont donnes plus bas a ce sujet en note 1)
- Des la fermeture du clavier, PerfectPower recalcule instantanement tous vos résultats (puissances, couples, régimes, etc...) sur l'intégralité de la mesure (sans toutefois les enregistrer), et ils devraient cette fois être parfaitement justes!
- Appuyez sur le bouton "Enregistrer les nouveaux paramètres" situé un peu plus bas si vous souhaitez enregistrer définitivement la mesure avec sa nouvelle configuration de vitesse maxi réelle de fin de mesure!
Vous pouvez bien sûr répéter l'opération pour toute autre mesure qui vous paraitrait suspecte ou erronée!
Note 1: Comment determiner avec soin la vitesse maxi reelle de fin de mesure dans vos mesures de puissance avec une voiture donnee ?
- Il faut deja bien prendre l'habitude de TOUJOURS stopper vos mesures au MEME régime maxi (celui que vous avez selectionne dans la fiche Voiture), comme cela a deja ete conseille dans la section Conseils & Astuces des mesures de puissance (chapitre IV-1).
- Ensuite, il existe plusieurs facons de proceder, mais nous nous limiterons aux deux qui presentent le meilleur rapport precision de vitesse / facilite de test!
1) La premiere consiste a determiner experimentalement cette vitesse en utilisant une technique qui limite fortement les risques d'imprecision GPS grace a une mesure a vitesse stabilisee sur une periode de temps suffisante: mettez vous a un regime proche du regime maxi selectionne et sur le rapport de boite selectionne, puis accelerez doucement jusqu'a atteindre ce regime maxi selectionne, et une fois atteint, essayez de vous y stabiliser pendant 2 ou 3 secondes et relevez simplement la vitesse réelle (vitesse GPS) lue en haut de l'ecran Perfs de PerfectPower (elle devrait etre stable): ca y est, vous devriez avoir votre vitesse maxi reelle de fin de mesure au km/h pres!
2) La seconde consiste a utiliser tout simplement la "Vitesse au régime maxi" calculée par PerfectPower et affichee juste en dessous du champ "Vitesse maxi"! Cependant, il est important de savoir que c'est une vitesse theorique (meme si deja calculee de facon realiste en prenant en compte le rayon de roulement du pneu different aussi bien du rayon theorique -plus eleve...- que du rayon sous charge -plus faible...-) ayant une marge d'erreur habituelle de +- 2% en raison du trio d'incertitudes "Dimensions reelles des pneumatiques / Niveau d'usure / Pression & Temperature", et il est toujours mieux de determiner experimentalement cette vitesse au moyen de la premiere technique detaillee ci-dessus, merci de votre attention.
Note 2: Comment cette fonction de correction des resultats sur vitesse maxi peut-elle avoir une efficacite aussi exceptionnelle, au point de pouvoir meme se passer de GPS de toute evidence ? C'est parce que, pour schematiser, elle redonne les pleins pouvoirs a l'accelerometre du telephone (incomparablement plus precis et rapide que n'imnporte quel GPS meme professionnel a 5 000 euros & dollars...) qui fait 95% de la precision de mesure dans le mode 1, mais avec l'aide d'une information fondamentale (vitesse maxi reelle de fin de mesure) que doit lui fournir l'operateur (vous donc!) et qui l'aide a recalibrer a la perfection les courbes de resultats!
Note 3: Vous pouvez retrouver une illustration parfaite de l'utilisation de cette fonction de correction des resultats sur vitesse maxi dans les deux bilans de mesure suivants:
- Bilan de mesure 6 de la Peugeot 307 1.6 16V du Labo PerfectPower
- Bilan de mesure 7 de la Peugeot 307 1.6 16V du Labo PerfectPower
Certes cette fonction a ete utilisee avec la version iOS dans les deux bilans mais son fonctionnement est rigourseusement identique dans les deux versions Android et iOS!
Note 4: Comme pour le paramétrage de la fiche Voiture, l’appui sur le bouton bleu Terminé du clavier genere un processus de controle de la validite des donnees saisies (vitesse maxi reelle de fin de mesure dans le cas present).
IMPORTANT: Attention cependant a ne pas "devoyer" cette fonction extraordinairement performante en renseignant une vitesse maxi qui ne serait pas exacte! En effet, cette fonction a été créée UNIQUEMENT pour corriger une éventuelle faiblesse de réception GPS sur certaines mesures, et elle ne devrait donc être utilisée QUE dans ce cas de figure! Si vous l'utilisez alors que votre réception GPS est bonne, vous ne ferez que dégrader et non améliorer la précision de vos résultats! Reportez vous à la section Conseils & Astuces des mesures de puissance pour savoir si et comment vous devez l'utiliser, merci.
Exemple: Correction sur vitesse maxi activee
4) Correction des resultats sur pente de route (puissance) (mode 2)
PerfectPower offre une fonction extremement efficace de correction des resultats sur pente de route pour les mesures de puissance realisees en mode 2 (GPS only), qui permet de corriger ces mesures en fonction de la pente de route!
Cette fonction se trouve dans toute fiche de résultats, tout en bas de la partie "Option: Re-calcul de la mesure" située elle-meme en dessous des résultats de la mesure. Pour l'utiliser:
- Rendez vous dans la fiche de résultats de la mesure a corriger sur pente de route
- Cochez la case "Correction pente de route (mode 2)"
- PerfectPower re-calcule alors instantanement tous vos résultats (puissances, couples, régimes, etc...) sur l'intégralité de la mesure (sans toutefois les enregistrer) en prenant en compte la pente de route, ET elle vous indique la pente de route moyenne calculee et la correction maxi réalisée!
- Appuyez sur le bouton "Enregistrer les nouveaux paramètres" situé juste en dessous si vous souhaitez enregistrer définitivement la mesure avec sa nouvelle configuration de prise en compte de la pente de route!
Vous pouvez bien sûr répéter l'opération pour toute autre mesure qui serait a corriger sur pente de route!
Note: Vous pouvez retrouver une illustration parfaite de l'utilisation de cette fonction de correction des resultats sur pente de route (incluant une comparaison spectaculaire des resultats naturels / corriges!) dans le bilan de mesure suivant:
- Bilan de mesure 7 de la Peugeot 307 1.6 16V du Labo PerfectPower
IMPORTANT: L'utilisation de la RaceBox Mini (seul GPS externe autorise dans le mode 2, toutes infos a ce sujet au chapitre I-0-B) est indispensable pour utiliser cette fonction, le GPS interne des téléphones étant beaucoup trop imprécis pour une correction précise!
De plus, cette fonction n'est PAS une fonction magique permettant de se dispenser de faire ses mesures dans les deux sens de la route puisque si elle compense bien avec une efficacité impressionnante les effets de pente de route, en revanche elle ne compense pas ceux du vent (tout aussi importants!) ET par conséquent il demeure INDISPENSABLE de faire ses mesures dans les deux sens de la route et d'en faire la moyenne pour avoir des résultats parfaitement fiables, merci de votre compréhension!
Toutes infos sur ces sujets dans la Question Q5 de la FAQ sur l'influence extreme des effets de pente de route sur les resultats ET en meme temps l'efficacite extreme du moyennage de mesures faites dans les deux sens de la route (et sur la même portion) dans l'élimination des effets de pente de route et de vent sur les résultats...
Exemple: Correction sur pente de route activee
5) Comparer et/ou moyenner des résultats d'une même voiture
Il est possible avec PerfectPower de comparer et/ou moyenner les résultats de deux à quatre mesures du même type pour une même voiture. Il vous suffit d'accéder à la fiche de résultats de l'une des mesures à comparer et/ou moyenner (cette mesure constituera la mesure de référence), puis de sélectionner dans la partie Comparaison / Moyennage située en bas de la fiche le numéro des autres mesures à comparer et/ou moyenner, et enfin d'appuyer sur le bouton adéquat Comparaison ou Moyennage: vous accédez alors à la fiche de comparaison ou de moyennage des mesures choisies. On revient ensuite à la fiche de résultats de la mesure de référence en appuyant sur la touche BACK.
Note 1: Vous devez vous assurer de la compatibilité des mesures à comparer et/ou moyenner:
- Comparaison
1) Mesures de puissance: Elles doivent avoir été faites avec la même norme de correction
2) Mesures d'accélérations: Aucune incompatibilité
3) Mesures de reprises: Elles doivent être EXACTEMENT du même type (même vitesse de début, même vitesse de fin, même rapport de boite)
4) Mesures de freinage: Elles doivent être EXACTEMENT du même type (même vitesse de début)
- Moyennage
1) Mesures de puissance: Elles doivent avoir été faites avec le meme mode de mesure, etre des mesures uniques (non deja moyennees), avoir EXACTEMENT les memes parametre SETUP (norme de correction, pression, temperature, humidite, mode de calcul des pertes) & VOITURE 1 (masse voiture, masse additionnelle, cylindree moteur, nombre de cylindres, type de transmission, dimension des pneus, rapport de boite, rapport de pont, S.Cx) & VOITURE 2 (rapport de boite de mesure, régime mini, regime maxi), et enfin avoir le meme statut de correction sur pente de route! Elles peuvent en revanche avoir un statut de correction sur vitesse maxi different.
2) Mesures d'accélérations: Elles doivent avoir été faites avec le meme mode de mesure et etre des mesures uniques (non deja moyennees)
3) Mesures de reprises: Elles doivent etre des mesures uniques (non deja moyennees), et elles doivent être EXACTEMENT du même type (même vitesse de début, même vitesse de fin, même rapport de boite)
4) Mesures de freinage: Elles doivent avoir été faites avec le meme mode de mesure et etre des mesures uniques (non deja moyennees), et elles doivent être EXACTEMENT du même type (même vitesse de début)
Cependant, vous n'avez pas vraiment à vous soucier de cela puisque si vous sélectionnez des mesures incompatibles entre elles, PerfectPower le détectera et ne les sélectionnera pas.
Note 2: Comme pour le paramétrage de la fiche Voiture, l’appui sur le bouton bleu Terminé du clavier genere un processus de controle de la validite des donnees saisies (numéros des mesures à comparer et/ou moyenner dans le cas present).
IMPORTANT: Lorsque vous moyennez des mesures, sachez qu'il est possible de générer un nouveau résultat officiel construit sur la base du résultat moyenné! Il vous suffit pour cela d'appuyer sur le bouton GENERER UN NOUVEAU RESULTAT situé tout en bas de la fiche du résultat moyenné, et un nouveau résultat officiel constituant la moyenne des mesures sources utilisées est crée avec un nouveau numéro et la date du résultat de la mesure de référence!
Ce nouveau résultat officiel moyenné est ajouté à la liste des résultats classiques, et il en possède toutes les caractéristiques. La seule différence visible avec des résultats classiques est la mention Mx (= moyenne de x mesures, avec x = 2, 3, ou 4) au lieu de U (= mesure unique) dans la liste des résultats, et le rappel de sa nature moyennée et non unique dans sa propre fiche avec la mention "Moyenne de x mesures" au lieu de "Mesure unique" en entête.
La génération d'un nouveau résultat officiel constituant la moyenne de plusieurs mesures est extraordinairement intéressante, car elle permet:
- d'officialiser ses résultats de mesure avec une seule fiche & graphique, comme si une seule mesure avait été faite!
- de supprimer ensuite toutes les mesures sources utilisées pour générer ce nouveau résultat officiel, ce qui permet de libérer de la place mémoire!
Exemple: Comparaison des mesures 1, 2, 3, et 4 de la voiture selectionnee
6) Comparer des résultats de voitures différentes
Il est également possible avec PerfectPower de comparer les résultats de deux à quatre mesures du même type mais avec des voitures différentes. Il vous suffit d'accéder à la fiche de résultats de l'une des mesures à comparer (cette mesure constituera la mesure de référence), puis de sélectionner dans la partie Comparaison inter-voitures située en bas de la fiche le numéro des autres mesures à comparer avec pour chacune le numéro de la voiture associée, et enfin d'appuyer sur le bouton Comparaison inter-voitures: vous accédez alors à la fiche de comparaison des mesures choisies pour les différentes voitures. On revient ensuite à la fiche de résultats de la mesure de référence en appuyant sur la touche BACK.
Note: Les même règles de comparaison s'appliquent pour les comparaisons classiques (règles définies un peu plus haut en notes 1 et 2 du chapitre 5) et les comparaisons inter-voitures.
Exemple: Comparaison de la mesure 1 des voitures 1 (la voiture selectionnee), 2, 3, et 4
7) Exporter des résultats de puissance (fiche, graphique) par mail
Il est possible avec PerfectPower d'exporter par mail les fiches de résultats et les graphiques des mesures de puissance, et ce aussi bien pour les résultats classiques que pour les comparaisons et moyennages de résultats.
Pour cela, il vous suffit de faire un clic long tout en haut de l'écran sur la première ligne de texte de la fiche de résultats ou du graphique que l'on veut exporter, et PerfectPower vous offrira une sélection d'applications mails permettant cet export.
Sélectionnez celle qui vous convient le mieux (gMail par exemple), saisissez votre adresse mail, puis cliquez sur "Envoyer": la fiche ou le graphique vous sera aussitôt envoyé(e) dans votre boite mail sous la forme d'un fichier image PNG.
8) Supprimer un résultat
Comme pour les voitures, vous pouvez également supprimer un résultat à tout moment: depuis la fiche du résultat à supprimer, faites un click long sur le bouton "SUPPRIMER" situé tout en bas. Vous pouvez ensuite supprimer d’autres résultats en répétant la même opération.
Attention: Cette opération de suppression est irréversible!
Annexe 1) Premiere ouverture de l'application
A la première ouverture de l'application, il vous est demandé si vous voulez autoriser PerfectPower à accéder à la position "Exacte" (GPS) ou "Approximative" (triangulation WIFI ou GSM) de l'appareil, ainsi que la fréquence souhaitée de cet accès (3 choix: "Lorsque vous utilisez l'appli", "Uniquement cette fois-ci"', ou "Ne pas autoriser"). Bien que cela soit évident, merci de bien vouloir sélectionner les deux choix suivants:
- Exacte
- Lorsque vous utilisez l'appli
Note: Pour les téléphones avant Androïd 12, seule l'autorisation d'accès à la position vous est demandée, mais même remarque: merci de bien vouloir l'accorder!
Annexe 2) Utiliser un GPS externe
Bien que cela ne soit aucunement indispensable a l'obtention d'une precision de resultats exceptionnelle, PerfectPower vous offre la possibilite d'utiliser un GPS externe communiquant en Bluetooth avec elle pour optimiser encore sa précision de résultats (de 1% a 0,5% pour les mesures de puissance) dans le mode 1 (Accelerometre + GPS) et simplifier la procedure de mesure (realisation des mesures de puissance en depart lance, suppression de la phase de calibration de l'accelerometre en roulant pour les mesures de freinage, et liberation complete du telephone de tout imperatif de fixation) en utilisant le mode 2 (GPS only). PerfectPower en recommande deux:
- La RaceBox Mini (25 Hz), pilotée par PerfectPower et permettant l'utilisation du mode 2 (chapitre 1)
- Le SkyPro XGPS 160 (10 Hz), nécessitant d'utiliser une application tierce de Bluetooth GPS (chapitre 2)
Note 1: Toutes infos sur le mode de mesure au chapitre I-0-B.
Note 2: PerfectPower pilote egalement la RaceBox Mini S, mais ne la recommande pas specifiquement puisque techniquement elle est identique a la RaceBox Mini, la seule difference c'est qu'elle peut enregistrer des mesures pouvant etre ensuite exploitees mais PerfectPower n'utilise pas cette fonction et traite toujours "en direct" les informations recues de la RaceBox.
1) Utiliser la RaceBox Mini
La RaceBox Mini est un appareil de type "Bluetooth Low-Energy", capable d'envoyer et de recevoir des informations avec tout type d'appareil supportant ce type de communication, comme tout smartphone moderne.
Le processus de communication de PerfectPower avec la RaceBox Mini a été voulu le plus simple et confortable possible afin que vous puissiez vous concentrer sur la qualité de vos mesures et n'ayez absolument pas à vous occuper de la RaceBox Mini une fois celle-ci installée dans la voiture, et repose sur un cycle de 3 clics-longs sur le chrono, situé au centre de l'écran principal:
- Le 1er lance un SCAN de 15 s pendant lequel PerfectPower recherche tous les appareils disponibles à proximité en "Bluetooth Low-Energy". S'il trouve votre RaceBox Mini dans le délai imparti, il stoppe le SCAN et est alors prêt à se connecter. S'il ne la trouve pas, vous pouvez relancer un nouveau SCAN jusqu'à ce qu'il la trouve.
- Le second permet à PerfectPower de se CONNECTER à la RaceBox Mini, qui signale cette connexion en émettant une lumière bleue
- Et le troisième permet de s'en DECONNECTER, la lumière bleue cesse donc d'être émise
Concernant l'installation de la RaceBox Mini dans la voiture, je vous laisse vous référer à la documentation fournie par RaceBox.
Concernant son utilisation, comme dit, tout a été pensé pour que celle-ci se fasse complètement oublier, et une fois qu'elle est connectée à PerfectPower (lumière bleue allumée), les mesures se déroulent EXACTEMENT comme d'habitude! Seule différence visible sur le téléphone par rapport aux mesures classiques utilisant le GPS interne du téléphone à 1 Hz: l'affichage de la vitesse se fait en rouge (au lieu du blanc), avec une précision de 0,1 km/h (au lieu de 1 km/h), et... à la fréquence de la RaceBox Mini soit 25 Hz (au lieu de 1 Hz) et donc 25 affichages par seconde!
Note 1: Toutes les actions de SCAN & CONNEXION & DECONNEXION sont toujours signalées par PerfectPower via des pop-ups, que ce soit en succès ou en échec, de sorte que vous savez toujours exactement où vous en êtes avec votre RaceBox Mini.
Note 2: Tout a été pensé pour limiter au maximum la consommation d'énergie (le Bluetooth étant très énergivore comme vous devez vous en douter), cependant la seule action qui reste DE VOTRE FAIT pour limiter la consommation d'énergie est de penser à vous déconnecter de votre RaceBox Mini dès que vous ne l'utilisez plus. Inutile cependant de préciser que la connexion est automatiquement coupée dès que vous sortez de PerfectPower.
Note 3: Il est bien entendu nécessaire que le Bluetooth soit activé sur votre téléphone lorsque vous utilisez la RaceBox Mini! Cependant, là encore, tout a été pensé pour vous faciliter les choses, et si votre Bluetooth était désactivé lors du premier clic-long (celui du SCAN), PerfectPower vous permettra de l'activer SANS MEME SORTIR DE L'APPLICATION!
2) Utilisation d'un GPS externe en Bluetooth
Pour que PerfectPower puisse communiquer en Bluetooth avec votre GPS externe, il faut suivre le plan en 3 étapes présenté ci-dessous:
1) Allumer votre GPS externe
2) Appairer votre GPS externe avec votre téléphone (à faire une seule fois)
3) Utiliser l'application Bluetooth GNSS (intermédiaire entre votre GPS et votre téléphone)
Note: Tous les GPS externes ne sont pas autorises par leur fabricant a communiquer librement en Bluetooth avec toutes les applications d'un telephone! Par exemple, la Dragy Box (GPS externe concurrent direct de la RaceBox Mini) ne peut communiquer QUE avec leur logiciel proprietaire Dragy! Le SkyPro XGPS 160 recommande par PerfectPower l'est lui evidemment, mais ce n'est pas le seul, il en existe d'autres.
1) Allumer votre GPS externe
Appuyez sur le bouton d'alimentation de votre GPS externe.
Note: Souvent, il faut un appui prolongé de 1 à 3 secondes, dans le but d'éviter des allumages (et donc des vidages de batterie) indésirés...
2) Appairer votre GPS externe avec votre téléphone (à faire une seule fois)
Le processus d'appairage est le processus qui permet de faire communiquer deux appareils en Bluetooth (dans le cas présent, votre GPS externe et votre téléphone Androïd). Il n'est à faire qu'une seule fois: une fois appairés, les deux appareils sont respectivement "enregistrés" l'un pour l'autre.
Note 1: Selon votre version d'Android, vous pouvez observer de petites differences de nom ou localisation de menus.
Note 2: Si votre téléphone demande un code pendant le processus d'appairage, utilisez "0000" ou "1234".
Sur votre téléphone:
- Allez dans "Paramètres / Bluetooth", et activez le Bluetooth
- Dans ce même menu, appuyez sur "Appareils disponibles"
Après quelques secondes, le nom (ou l'identifiant) de votre GPS externe va apparaitre dans la liste des appareils disponibles: cliquez alors dessus, et en quelques secondes votre GPS externe va apparaitre dans la liste des appareils appairés: c'est fait, votre GPS externe est désormais appairé à votre téléphone, c'est à dire qu'il est reconnu par votre téléphone comme un appareil avec lequel il peut communiquer en Bluetooth.
En revanche, il n'est pas encore réellement connecté à votre téléphone: pour cela, il faut utiliser une application tierce de Bluetooth GPS (appelée un "GPS Provider") qui va jouer le rôle d'intermédiaire entre votre GPS externe et votre téléphone, ou plus exactement entre votre GPS externe et l'OS de votre téléphone: en effet, cette application va récupérer les informations de votre GPS externe ET les envoyer aussitôt à l'OS de votre téléphone en se substituant aux informations en provenance du GPS interne de votre téléphone.
Ainsi, PerfectPower, comme toutes les autres applications sur votre smartphone qui utilisent le GPS et qui récupèrent les informations GPS en provenance de l'OS de votre smartphone, va bien recevoir les informations en provenance de votre GPS externe!
Il existe plusieurs "GPS providers", le plus conseillé est l'application Bluetooth GNSS disponible gratuitement sur le Google Play à ce lien: Bluetooth GNSS. Il vous faut donc télécharger puis installer cette application, puis suivre les instructions données dans le 3ème point ci-dessous pour la faire fonctionner correctement.
3) Utiliser l'application Bluetooth GNSS (intermédiaire entre votre GPS et votre téléphone)
Trois étapes sont nécessaires:
- Autoriser votre telephone a utiliser les positions fictives
- Paramétrer correctement Bluetooth GNSS
- Se connecter au GPS externe voulu (le votre bien entendu)
Pour realiser la premiere etape:
- Activez le mode Developpeur sur votre telephone (si il n'est pas deja active) en allant dans "Parametres / A propos du telephone", puis en appuyant sept fois de suite sur Numero de build: vous devriez voir apparaitre un message vous confirmant que vous venez d'activer le mode Developpeur
- Allez dans "Parametres / Parametres supplementaires / Options developpeur", activez "Options developpeur" (si elle n'est pas deja activee), puis allez dans "Selectionner une application de localisation fictive", et enfin selectionnez Bluetooth GNSS: ca y est, vous venez d'autoriser votre telephone a utiliser les informations GPS fournies par Bluetooth GNSS!
Note: Selon votre version d'Android, vous pouvez observer de petites differences de nom ou localisation de menus.
Puis pour realiser la deuxieme et la troisieme etape, suivez le plan ci-dessous:
- Lancez Bluetooth GNSS. Vous accédez alors à l'écran principal.
- Ouvrez le menu "Settings" (en haut à droite)
- Sélectionnez votre GPS externe dans la liste "Target device" (XGPS160-xxxxxx pour le SkyPro XGPS 160)
- Desélectionnez l'option "Secure RFCOMM connection" et selectionnez l'option "Auto-reconnect"
- Revenez à l'écran principal, vous devriez voir les 5 conditions de connexion remplies (Pre-connect checklist)
- Pour vous connecter, appuyez sur le bouton de connexion (bouton bleu en bas a droite)
Au bout de quelques secondes, la connexion se fait, et tous les champs de l'écran principal se remplissent des "nouvelles" informations GPS en provenance de votre GPS externe! A partir de ce moment, PerfectPower comme toutes les autres applications sur votre smartphone qui utilisent le GPS recevront bien les informations en provenance de votre GPS externe (et uniquement lui!), et ce jusqu'à ce que vous choisissiez de vous en déconnecter en appuyant sur Disconnect/Stop dans le menu en haut a droite
Vous pouvez alors sortir de Bluetooth GNSS sans soucis, elle continuera à tourner en arrière-plan et à fournir à PerfectPower et à toutes vos applications GPS les informations de votre GPS externe!